the view from our hotel room

on our dinner cruise

in our jumpsuits before our flight

out to dinner

the Napali Coast
Evan and I went to Kauai, just the two of us, for 8 days last month. The weather was clear and perfect. The ocean was a warm 73+degrees and the island was beautiful. We went to Maui on our honeymoon, but in contrast Kauai is very layed back and not touristy or commercial. We went on a romantic dinner cruise, took an ultralight flight up Wiamea Canyon and to the Napali Coast, snorkled, hiked in the jungle (and got eaten alive by jungle mosquitos!), took a boat ride down the Napali Coast, attemped to get our white bodies tan, saw a few waterfalls, drove the island in a convertible, went to a coffee plantation, went to the spa, ate at great restaurants, and slept in! Most importantly we were together. It took over half the week for us to de-stress, but it was enjoyed and appreciated none the less. We even got to listen to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's sunday evening service on the local christian radio station via Calvary Satalite Network.
Thank you so much to Beth for watching the kids while we were gone!